HDS has joined a few webcliques over his years on the interweb. Many, in fact most, are dead or closed, with a number having seen the domain they once dwelt at expire completely. Here shall be kept all of these, alive or no. I make no distinction between dead or alive cliques here save that my name must have been on the clique member list in order for it to remain here.
My element is Shadow.

Cold Fascia

Sailor Moon Forever



I Am: a shadow
I Was: a benign demon
I'll Be: a reclusive god

GhostFighter ++ Kurama/Yoko Kurama

I glomped the stuffing out of my Sakuya, Sakura, Kuroneko, Sasami, Kizna, Sesshomaru, and Mr. Buu plushies!

*i won't forget Kai

/:/ wants to *glomp* Sesshoumoru